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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Last class, Madam Rozina talked about designing an effective powerpoint presentation. An effective powerpoint presentation is when you have all these five elements which are big, consistent, simple, clear, and progressive.

  • BIG
    • You have to make the text big
    • Be consistent when you want to show differences or importances.
      • Eg : Highlight words that are important with only red colour. People might get confused if used more than one colour.
    • Too many words, or styles in one slide could distract people from focusing on the content.
  •  CLEAR
    • Use clearer font like sanserif fonts
    • Normal and bold fonts are clearer
    • Use color to emphasise on something important
    • Use bullets to show a list without sequence
    • Use numbers to show a list with sequence 
    • Size of the fonts implies importance. Big = Important
    •  Instead of going all at once to explain something, you go part by part to explain so that everyone will not get confused. 


So, why is it so important to have an effective powerpoint presentation? Having an effective powerpoint presentation enables the presenter to explain their content more clearly. If the powerpoint presentation is poorly done, the audience might not get the content. Moreover, an effective powerpoint presentation would help the presenter be more confident in presenting their content. It also shows how professional you are in presenting your content. For example, simple. Having too many special effects on your slides might distract your audience and it might lose their interest since there are too many distractions. The overuse of technological bells and whistles in PowerPoint presentations is an under-rated problem. Many presenters think it will make their powerpoint presentation much better. 

Well, to be honest, there is nothing better than a powerpoint presentation that is done professionally with only limited effects. Too much effects cause distraction which might lead to audience's lose of interest. An experience of mine, there was this student who had too many effects and words on the slides. Honestly, it got me annoyed because it gave me a headache. There were too many pictures, effects, & sounds. People dont realize the importance of knowing this thing. It is actually very important as it is used everywhere and anytime, when you are in school, university as well as when you are working. 

Knowing how to make an effective powerpoint presentation will surely help you a lot in presenting what you want to say.

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