My group mates
and I think that the E - Portfolio will definitely give much benefit to people as it
is easier to access. One click away and it is done. Compared to the usual
portfolio, we will not be wasting a lot of time and also energy to just write
it down. The most obvious reason we think that E-Portfolio is very advantageous
is that it is very easy for other people to see our works, and it might help
them in doing their assignments or give them new knowledge that they have never
heard before. The information that can be stored in the E-Portfolio is
unlimited. People can just click and look at all the information that are
stored in the portfolio. Even in Islam, Muslims are encouraged to spread and
share knowledge that they know to other people. People will not lose anything
by sharing knowledge; instead, they will be rewarded by doing that.
Sabl bin Mu’ddh bin Anas narrated from his father that the
Prophet i said: “Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one
who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest.”(
Sunan Ibn e Majah, Book of Sunnah, Hadith no 240, Classified as Hasan By Allama
This hadith proves that people
who share knowledge will not lose anything. It also shows how Islam encourages
us Muslims to seek and also share any valuable and beneficial information.
E-Portfolio also will not waste us so much time as it is very easy to organize.
Those times and energy that are wasted, could be used to do other things that
would benefit us, or to complete other works that are given to us. Using any
technology-based tools will also show that people are not left behind with
everything that is evolving.
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