Remember, we are khalifah of Allah
and we have our goals. Living in this world is only for the preparation before
going to the next one, Hereafter, which is everlasting and permanent. However,
with today’s excitement, entertainment, technology and so on, mankind easily
forgets their goals. They forget to balance their affairs and maintain their
spirituality while being a normal person living in this world. There is one
hadith where it mention :
“The wayfarer or
stranger do not avoid comfort, enjoyment, or interests related to their journey
or place of sojourn. However, they realize that their destination is more
important than their fleeting journey or sojourn. Thus, they prioritize. They
realize that this worldly life is a means to the next life. We seek the good in
it, as a means to the good in the next life, not as an end in itself.”
There are also verses in al-Qur’an which mention about
worldly life and Hereafter :
In verses 64 & 37 of chapters
29 and 47 respectively, `worldly life' is regarded as play, amusement and
pastime and the `life hereafter' is regarded as the life indeed, for example:
the eternal life that will never end.

Hence, mankind should not be busy with the world affairs
because it actually will make them ‘sell’ their hereafter only for this worldly
life. In (2:86), Allah warns of the ‘dire punishment’ :
“Those are they who have bought the life of this world at
the cost of price of the hereafter. Their torment shall not be lightened nor
shall they be helped."
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